Paul teaches us, in the first 3 chapters of Ephesians, what it means to be “in Christ” then, in the last 3 chapters, he tells us how to live like Christ. The purpose of this letter is to encourage its readers as it reminds them of their riches in Christ and to live in such a manner that is in line with such a powerful reality.
The first half of the book deals with our vertical relationship while the second half deals with our horizontal relationships. The first half of the book causes us to look up and rejoice as we grow in our supreme love for God. When our “knowledge of God” grows our “grace and peace” will “be multiplied.” Multiplied grace and peace over flows our lives. When grace and peace rule our hearts, it will be displayed in our lives. Our lives will be marked by sacrificial love for others. This brings much glory to God which is a life of worship, “to the praise of His glory.”
Below you will find our Sunday morning messages along with the pdf outline (when available). Play a message to begin listening to it, then select the corresponding outline. The outline will open in a new window.
(#1) – Ephesians 1:1-2 – “Our Worthy Walk”—Introduction – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we introduce our study of the book of Ephesians. Our worthy walk is a call to action to consider our wealth in Christ, our working for Christ, and our walking according to the will of Christ. It is to live according to the “good pleasure of [God’s] will” (1:5) and to “the praise of His glory” (1:6) by walking according to our created purpose of “good works” (2:10).
(#2) – Ephesians 1:3-6 – “The Christian and His Riches—Paul’s Praising the Supremacy of the Father” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider Paul’s praise of the Father for His supremacy as seen in His goodness and grace. Our worthy walk is one of understanding and living in the supremacy of the Father. It is pursuing a life of praising God for Who He is and what He has done in showing us undeserved favor. The Father is truly great and greatly to be praised for He has “blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”
(#3) – Ephesians 1:3-6 – “The Christian and His Riches—Paul’s Praising the Supremacy of the Father” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider Paul’s praise of the Father for His supremacy as seen in His goodness, grace, goal, government, and glory. Our worthy walk is one of understanding and living in the supremacy of the Father. It is pursuing a life of praising God for Who He is and what He has done in showing us undeserved favor. The Father is truly great and greatly to be praised for He has “blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”
(#4) – Ephesians 1:7-8 – “The Christian and His Riches—Paul’s Praising Our Salvation through the Son” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider Paul’s praise of the Son for His provision of salvation in light of our sinful condition. We consider our redemption from sin and the riches of His grace. This produces a lifestyle of praise, rejoicing in the present reality of our redemption which is in Christ Jesus our Savior.
(#5) – Ephesians 1:9-12 – “The Christian and His Riches—Paul’s Praising Our Salvation through the Son” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider Paul’s praise of the Son for His plan of revealing His mystery, our unity and inheritance. He concludes this stanza with our Savior’s praise. This produces a lifestyle of praise, rejoicing in the present reality of our redemption which is in Christ Jesus our Savior.
(#6) – Ephesians 1:13-14 – “The Christian and His Riches—Paul’s Praising Our Security through the Spirit” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the third stanza of Paul’s hymn where he praises the Holy Spirit for His ministry giving the believer the certainty of his faith and security of his future.
Our worthy walk is the process of understanding the security that we have through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. This produces in the believer the assurance of their salvation which enables the believer to grow in Christlikeness and in turn to live “unto the praise of His glory.”
(#7) – Ephesians 1:15-18 – “The Christian and His Riches—Paul’s Prayer for Illumination” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider Paul’s prayer for illumination in light of his hymn of praise. He prays for the recipients the “spiritual blessings” to be able to comprehend what they have in Christ.
(#8) – Ephesians 1:17-18 – “The Christian and His Riches—Paul’s Prayer for Illumination” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider Paul’s prayer for illumination in light of his hymn of praise. He prays for the recipients the “spiritual blessings” to be able to comprehend the Person of Christ and what they have in Christ, namely their position.
(#9) – Ephesians 1:19-20 – “The Christian and His Riches—Paul’s Prayer for Illumination” (Part 3) – Outline (pdf) – Our worthy walk is the process of understanding the Holy Spirit’s ministry of illumination that enables us to “behold wondrous things” from God’s most precious Word. Through illumination we better understand the Person of Christ, our position in Him as well as His power and preeminence.
(#10) – Ephesians 1:21-23 – “The Christian and His Riches—Paul’s Prayer for Illumination” (Part 4) – Outline (pdf) – Our worthy walk is the process of understanding the Holy Spirit’s ministry of illumination that enables us to “behold wondrous things” from God’s most precious Word. Through illumination we better understand the Person of Christ, our position in Him as well as His power and preeminence.
(#11) – Ephesians 2:1-4 – “The Christian and His Reconciliation”(Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – Our worthy walk contains an honest understanding of our reconciliation to God. We were spiritually “dead in our trespasses and sins,” disobedient, depraved, and doomed being under the wrath of God. “But God”—He stepped in and now you have spiritual life being saved “by grace through faith” in the finished work of Jesus Christ on our behalf. Rejoice and live in “His great love wherewith He loved us.”
(#12) – Ephesians 2:4-6 – “The Christian and His Reconciliation” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we continue considering the Christian’s reconciliation. Our worthy walk contains an honest understanding of our reconciliation to God. We were spiritually “dead in our trespasses and sins” and now have spiritual life being saved “by grace through faith” in the finished work of Jesus Christ on our behalf. As recipients of God’s love, mercy, and grace let us “seek those things which are above, setting our affection on things above” and live as citizens of heaven.
(#13) – Ephesians 2:7-9 – “The Christian and His Reconciliation” (Part 3a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we continue considering the Christian’s reconciliation. Our worthy walk contains an honest understanding of our reconciliation to God. We were spiritually “dead in our trespasses and sins” and now have spiritual life being saved “by grace through faith” in the finished work of Jesus Christ on our behalf. Live as a trophy of God’s immeasurable grace, living in tranquility because of God’s impeccable Gift.
(#14) – Ephesians 2:10 – “The Christian and His Reconciliation” (Part 3b) – Outline (pdf) – In this
(#15) – Ephesians 2:11-13 – “The Christian and His Reconciliation” (Part 4) – Outline (pdf) – In this
(#16) – Ephesians 2:13-17 – “The Christian and His Reconciliation” (Part 5) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s reconciliation. Our worthy walk contains an honest understanding of our reconciliation to others. The Christian’s present relationship is now characterized by peace. The past relationship of separation, rebellion, and enmity has been replaced with reconciliation and peace with God and therefore this new relationship should be displayed in our reconciled relationships with others.
(#17) – Ephesians 2:18-22 – “The Christian and His Reconciliation” (Part 6) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s reconciliation. Our worthy walk contains an honest understanding of our reconciliation to others. The Christian’s practice is to be marked by a unified community where we enjoy unity of fellowship in prayer, an identity as the family of God, stability because of a Biblical foundation, and the ministry of our framework bringing glory to God.
(#18) – Ephesians 3:1 – “The Prisoner and His Reality” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is rooted in a right theology of knowing the Biblical revelation of God. We see Paul’s mission perspective being Christ’s preeminence. He understood his Master’s providential orchestration of the details of his imprisonment giving him a surpassing peace, therefore strengthening his ministry persuasion to continue pressing on as “the prisoner of Jesus Christ.”
(#19) – Ephesians 3:2-4 – “The Preacher and His Revelation” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is strengthened by the truth of the revelation of the mystery of the Church. We see Paul’s understanding of his stewardship of this great truth and his partnership with other N.T. “apostles and prophets” in the teaching of the fellowship of the mystery where Jews and Gentiles share equally in the riches of Christ, the relationship with Christ, and the revelation from Christ.
(#20) – Ephesians 3:5-6 – “The Preacher and His Revelation” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is strengthened by the truth of the revelation of the mystery of the Church. We see Paul’s understanding of his stewardship of this great truth and his partnership with other N.T. “apostles and prophets” in the teaching of the fellowship of the mystery where Jews and Gentiles share equally in the riches of Christ, the relationship with Christ, and the revelation from Christ.
(#21) – Ephesians 3:7-9 – “The Pastor and His Responsibility” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is rooted in humility as we seek to serve God as we fulfill our responsibility as His ministers. Faithful service is undergirded as we demonstrate a servant’s mindset by being responsive to our Master’s will in reliance upon His in-working, helping us respond to the greatest need of others by proclaiming the awe-inspiring message of the mystery of the Gospel.
(#22) – Ephesians 3:10-13 – “The Pastor and His Responsibility” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is rooted in humility as we seek to serve God in fulfilling our responsibility as His ministers. Faithful service is also marked by humility being directed by a heavenly purpose displaying the “manifold wisdom of God.” Furthermore, he reminds us of our hopeful privileges in Christ, that we have
(#23) – Ephesians 3:14 – “Paul’s Practice” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is characterized by a life of prayer that is characterized by attitudes of submission and supplication while acknowledging God’s sufficiency. It is coming before God’s throne of grace with an attitude of reverence, understanding Who He is and acknowledging what He has done and what he can do.
(#24) – Ephesians 3:14-16a – “Paul’s Practice” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is characterized by a life of prayer that is characterized by attitudes of submission and supplication while acknowledging God’s sufficiency. It is coming before God’s throne of grace with an attitude of reverence, understanding Who He is and acknowledging what He has done and what he can do.
(#25) – Ephesians 3:16b – “Paul’s Purpose” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is marked by a life of prayer with purpose. He understands that he is renewed through surrender. He intentionally seeks to refrain from stifling the in-working of God’s Spirit while walking in step with Him as he diligently studies the Word of God.
(#26) – Ephesians 3:17a – “Paul’s Purpose” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is undergirded by spiritual strength marked by a life that is ruled by Christ being in submission to Him. It is understanding the reality of His indwelling presence that leads to the revealing of His indwelling presence in my daily live. This is done as I submit to Christ’s work of dealing with my heart.
(#27) – Ephesians 3:17b-19a – “Paul’s Purpose” (Part 3) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is rooted in the truth of God’s love bringing unwavering stability. His reality becomes a life of sacrifice as he is transformed by the truth of God’s transcendent love. to know God’s love is to be known by God’s love. In turn, he loves God supremely and loves others sacrificially.
(#28) – Ephesians 3:19b – “Paul’s Purpose” (Part 4) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is a life that is ruled by God. It is a life of devotion as we “abide in Christ.” It is a life dominated by God’s righteous ruling which displays the likeness of Christ to the world in which we live. It is a life of spiritual strength.
(#29) – Ephesians 3:20-21 – “Paul’s Praise” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we come to our final message, of chapter 3, considering the Christian’s revelation. Our worthy walk is marked by a life of praise living in awe of our great God. It is a life that acknowledges God supremacy and His sufficiency, as we live in submission to His “Power” working in us. Personal awe leads to public adoration of God.
(#30) – Ephesians 4:1 – “Walk Worthy” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we begin chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is undergirded by our riches in Christ, our reconciliation to Christ, and our revelation of Christ’s love. We see how a transforming understanding of these doctrinal truths lead to a lifestyle of devotion to God. Knowing the principles of God’s Word leads to living in practice of God’s ways.
(#31) – Ephesians 4:2-3 – “Walk in Unity” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained, first, by walking in unity. We must understand that the villain of unity is our lustful flesh which we must battle against, with humility, in the power of the Spirit. With a renewed vision, we must have a right view of ourselves, God, others, and the Church. “Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
(#32) – Ephesians 4:4-6 – “Walk in Unity” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained, first, by walking in unity. With a renewed vision, we must what unites us. We are unified in the “body” by the “Spirit” and we share a glorified “hope” through that same “Spirit.” We are united to our “Lord” by “faith,” and we are identified with our “Lord” by “baptism.” Our unity in the Father is seen in our submission to His redemptive Fatherhood through Christ.
(#33) – Ephesians 4:7-10 – “Walk in Diversity” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained, second, by walking in diversity. God has given each of us both gifts, to be used in our serving Him within the Church, and grace in using those gifts. The beauty of our unity within the Church is best displayed in a unified diversity as we serve others, in humility.
(#34) – Ephesians 4:11 – “Walk in Maturity” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in maturity. God has provided the church with gifted ministers for the purpose of gospel ministry.
(#35) – Ephesians 4:12 – “Walk in Maturity” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in maturity. God has provided the church with gifted ministers for the purpose of gospel ministry. Through the ministry of the Word, every believer is equipped and edified for and expected to be involved in the “work of the ministry.”
(#36) – Ephesians 4:12b – “Walk in Maturity” (Part 3) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in maturity. God has provided the church with gifted ministers for the purpose of gospel ministry. Through the ministry of the Word, every believer is equipped and edified for and expected to be involved in the “work of the ministry.”
(#37) – Ephesians 4:13 – “Walk in Maturity” (Part 4) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in maturity. Our spiritual maturity is marked by a developing Christlikeness. This process takes place as our minds are renewed with the truths of God’s Word. The Spirit of God takes the Word of God and transforms us into the likeness of the Son of God.
(#38) – Ephesians 4:14 – “Walk in Maturity” (Part 5) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in maturity. Our spiritual maturity is also marked by doctrinal constancy. Through the ministry of the Word, the believer is stabilized. He is able to “stand against the wiles of the devil” in ministry work.
(#39) – Ephesians 4:15-16 – “Walk in Maturity” (Part 6) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in maturity. Our spiritual maturity is also marked by displayed charity and a determined community. Our individual diligence as a teachable Timothy, a ministering Paul, and an encouraging Barnabas enables a local body to most effectively minister to one another as a loving community.
(#40) – Ephesians 4:17-19 – “Walk in Purity” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in purity. Our new life in Christ is to bear the marks of Christ not the marks of the world. Our new life should look distinctly different than the old. In order to walk in purity, we must forsake the old man and embrace the new by “learning Christ”—renewing our minds, having a humble, teachable heart.
(#41) – Ephesians 4:20-22 – “Walk in Purity” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in purity. Our new life in Christ is to be marked by change. It is a purposeful process which includes the development of Christlikeness characterized by a life of repentance from sin and renewing the mind with the Word.
(#42) – Ephesians 4:22 – “Walk in Purity” (Part 3) – Outline (pdf) – Our worthy walk is explained by walking in purity. Our new life in Christ is to be marked by change. It is a purposeful process which includes the development of Christlikeness which is characterized by a life of repentance from sin, restraining our flesh, and renewing the mind with the Word.
(#43) – Ephesians 4:23 – “Walk in Purity” (Part 4) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in purity. Our new life in Christ is to be marked by change. It is a purposeful process which includes the development of Christlikeness which is also characterized by renewing the mind with the Word of truth. This transformation comes with tenacity as diligent effort is made to spend time meditating upon the Truth aided by the teaching of the Holy Spirit.
(#44) – Ephesians 4:24 – “Walk in Purity” (Part 5) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in purity. Our new life in Christ is to display the likeness of Christ. We effectively reflect the Glory of God as we humbly respond to the ministry of God’s Word in our lives.
(#45) – Ephesians 4:24 – “Walk in Purity” (Part 5b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in purity. Our new life in Christ is to display the likeness of Christ. We effectively reflect the Glory of God as we intentionally “put on” the marks of Christlikeness by displaying the love of Christ. This is done through both displaying lovingkindness in response to the needs of others and also displaying longsuffering in response to the deeds of others.
(#46) – Ephesians 4:25-32 – “Walk in Liberty” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in liberty. Through obedience, we are to “put off” those sinful marks of bondage that divide the community of Christ. In turn we are to “put on” those Christlike marks of liberty which unite the body of Christ. We are to be motivated by the unity and maturity of the community and the mercy of Christ.
(#47) – Ephesians 4:25-29 – “Walk in Liberty” (Part 2a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in liberty. Through obedience, we are to “put off” those sinful marks of bondage that divide the community of Christ. In turn, we are to “put on” those Christlike marks of liberty which unite the body of Christ. We are to be motivated by the unity and maturity of the community and the mercy of Christ.
(#48) – Ephesians 4:29-32 – “Walk in Liberty” (Part 2b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 4 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in liberty. Through obedience, we are to “put off” those sinful marks of bondage that divide the community of Christ. In turn we are to “put on” those Christlike marks of liberty which unite the body of Christ. We are to be motivated by the unity and maturity of the community and the mercy of Christ.
(#49) – Ephesians 5:1-2 – “Walk in Love” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we begin chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is further explained by walking in love. We are to faithfully follow, in our horizontal relationships, the pattern of Christ’s love out of gratitude for His propitious gift of loving sacrifice for us. Our love for others is to be an act of worship—a sweet-smelling savor that is pleasing to our Heavenly Father.
(#50) – Ephesians 5:3a – “Walk in Light” (Part 1a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in light. We are to live a life of influence, reflecting the light of Christ, toward our horizontal relationships. We must refrain from living like the darkened world around us but instead, live with self-control, contentment, and engage in Godly conversation.
(#51) – Ephesians 5:3-6 – “Walk in Light” (Part 1b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in light. We are to live a life of influence, reflecting the light of Christ, toward our horizontal relationships. We must refrain from living like the darkened world around us but instead, live with self-control, contentment, and engage in Godly conversation.
(#52) – Ephesians 5:7-10 – “Walk in Light” (Part 2a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in light. We are to live a life of influence, reflecting the light of Christ, toward our horizontal relationships. Be reminded of your past to the degree that you understand your new position and privilege as a light-bearer of Christ. As we “walk as children of light” we are to bear the fruit that give proof of authentic Christianity in praise to our God.
(#53) – Ephesians 5:11-14 – “Walk in Light” (Part 2b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in light. We are to live a life of influence, reflecting the light of Christ, toward our horizontal relationships. Our responsibility is to live as “lights” to a darkened world of our Jerusalem. We have been commissioned as agents of conviction and correction refusing to engage in the corruptive conversation. We are to be agents of calling as we invite lost souls to see the answer is Christ.
(#54) – Ephesians 5:15-17 – “Walk in Wisdom” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in wisdom. It is God’s will that a believer walks in obedience by displaying His love (v. 1-2) and reflecting His light (v. 3-14). We must be careful to faithfully apply these truths always seeking God’s Word to comprehend His perfect will.
(#55) – Ephesians 5:18 – “Walk in the Spirit” (Part 1a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is further explained by walking in step with the Spirit of Christ. A command is given to yield to the Spirit’s control by making a deliberate and repeated choice, participating in diligent cooperation and saturating concentration anticipating a delightful change.Audio Player
(#56) – Ephesians 5:18 – “Walk in the Spirit” (Part 1b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is further explained by walking in step with the Spirit of Christ. A command is given to yield to the Spirit’s control by making a deliberate and repeated choice, participating in diligent cooperation and saturating concentration anticipating a delightful change.
(#57) – Ephesians 5:18-21 – “Walk in the Spirit” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is further explained by walking in step with the Spirit of Christ. The characteristics of a Spirit-filled walk are evidenced as grace on your lips, gratitude in your heart, and gentleness toward your relationships as you serve others in submission to God.
(#58) – Ephesians 5:22-33 – Introduction: “Walk in Harmony” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in harmony in the way of Christ. We see how the marriage institution has been corrupted. This has led to our marriage influence in crisis. Yet within the “great mystery” of marriage we see marriage illustrated best in Jesus Christ. Thus, we commit to keep God as the final authority of marriage, Christ as the object of marriage, and our faithful obedience in marriage.
(#59) – Ephesians 5:22-24 – “Walk in Harmony” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in harmony in the way of Christ. Godly wives practice willing and loving submission as an act of worship “as unto the Lord.” A “meek and quiet spirit is in the sight of God of great price.”
(#60) – Ephesians 5:25 – “Walk in Harmony” (Part 3) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in harmony in the way of Christ. Godly husbands practice sacrificial and selfless love in obedience as a follower of Jesus Christ. He is to follow the pattern of love set before him—he is to love his “wife, even as Christ also loved the church and, gave Himself for [her].”
(#61) – Ephesians 5:26 – “Walk in Harmony” (Part 4a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in harmony in the way of Christ. Godly husbands practice intentional love. They determine to love their wife with a purifying love. A Godly husband determines to love his wife with the cross-shaped love of Christ.
(#62) – Ephesians 5:27-30 – “Walk in Harmony” (Part 4b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in harmony in the way of Christ. Godly husbands practice intentional love. They determine to love their wife with a perfecting love as well as a personal love. A Godly husband determines to love his wife, seeking to meet her spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. He is to love her “as his own body.”
(#63) – Ephesians 5:31 – “Walk in Harmony” (Part 4c) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in harmony in the way of Christ. Godly husbands practice intentional loving influence. They determine to love their wife with a permanent love that displays a progressing harmonious unity. It is a love that leaves, setting a higher priority on their wife. It is a love that cleaves, being joined permanently to her in a life-long sacred union. It is also a love that weaves together each other’s personalities and desires.
(#64) – Ephesians 5:32-33 – “Walk in Harmony” (Part 4d) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue chapter 5 with the Walk of the Believer. Our worthy walk is explained by walking in harmony in the way of Christ. Godly husbands practice intentional love. They determine to love their wife with a profound love. A Godly husband determines to love his wife with the cross-shaped love of Christ. Godly husbands practice Sacrificial and Selfless Love. While a Godly Wife determines to practice willing and loving Submission to her own husband.