The Book of Galatians

Below you will find our series of messages on the book of Galatians along with their corresponding pdf outlines.  Play a message to begin listening to it, then select the corresponding outline.  The outline will open in a new window. May the Lord richly bless you as you listen to and meditate upon His truth proclaimed.

The only way for the believer to have success in the Christian life is by “walking in the Spirit—being saturated by the Person of Jesus Christ and dominated by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in the life of the believer. It is easy to fall prey to either legalistic or license type of Christianity. The challenge that we face in our Christian walk is learning how to faithfully depend on the Spirit of God by living by the Grace of God which enables us to live a life of Biblical liberty which bring honor and glory to God.

Galatians 1:6-8 – “A Spirit Filled Walk – Intro” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we begin a new series in the book of Galatians called “A Spirit-Filled Walk.” Paul addresses the problems in the churches in Galatia regarding the extremes of legalism and license by calling for a Biblical balance of Christian liberty.


Galatians 1:1-10 – “A Message of Grace” – Outline (pdf) – Paul begins by expressing his desire for the Galatian saints to enjoy God’s grace and peace. He then proceeds to address the main problem of “another gospel.”


Galatians 1:11-24 – “Paul’s Testimony of His Gospel Message” – Outline (pdf) – In these verses we look at Paul’s testimony of his conversion, how he received the message he preached, along with the response of those he ministered to.


Galatians 2:1-10 – “Paul’s Picture of His Gospel Message” – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 2 Paul continues to defend his ministry and message. In these first 10 verses we see Paul’s picture of his Gospel message, namely Titus.


Galatians 2:11-14 – “Paul’s Practice of His Gospel Message” Part 1 – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 2 Paul confronts Peter’s hypocrisy. In this we see how Paul is genuine in practicing his Gospel message.


Galatians 2:15-16 – “Paul’s Practice of His Gospel Message” Part 2 – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 2 Paul confronts Peter’s hypocrisy then proceeds to discuss with Peter the ramifications of his hypocrisy. He first speaks of the doctrine of justification.


Galatians 2:17-21 – “Paul’s Practice of His Gospel Message” Part 3 – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 2 Paul confronts Peter’s hypocrisy then proceeds to discuss with Peter the ramifications of his hypocrisy.  The aim of this message is our identification with Christ in our sanctification. We are identified with Christ in our justification yet are people identifying us with Christ in our sanctification?


Galatians 3:1-5 – “Paul’s Argument Based on Experience” – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 3 we begin the doctrinal portion of the book where Paul reminds the Galatian saints of their experience in coming to Christ by using a number of questions.


Galatians 3:6-14 – “Paul’s Argument Based on Scripture” – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 3 Paul defends the doctrine of justification using the argument of Scripture.


Galatians 3:15-22 – “Paul’s Argument based on Logic” Part 1 – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 3 Paul defends the doctrine of justification using the argument of Logic. In this we see that the Law was designed to bring man to the state of hopelessness in his ability to keep the Law.


Galatians 3:23-29 – “Paul’s Argument based on Logic” Part 2 – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 3 Paul defends the doctrine of justification using the argument of Logic. In this we see the blessing of the Law bringing people to see their need for a Savior along with the great blessings of coming to Christ by faith.


Galatians 4:1-11 – “Paul’s Argument based on Adoption” – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 4 Paul continues his defense of justification by faith alone by using the argument of adoption. In these verses we see that once we were slaves; now we are sons; it is foolish to go back to being a slave.


Galatians 4:12-20 – “Paul’s Argument based on Personal Testimony” – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 4 Paul continues his defense of justification by faith alone by using the argument of his personal testimony.  Paul reminds the Galatian saints of how they are rejecting truth and messenger of God that they had originally received.


Galatians 4:21-31 – “Paul’s Argument based on Allegory” – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 4 Paul concludes his defense of justification by faith alone by using the argument based on allegory. He uses the story of the sons of Abraham to contrast the Law vs. grace along with flesh vs. faith.


Galatians 5:1-6 – “Living in Liberty” Part 1 – Outline (pdf) – Paul now moves from the doctrinal portion of his letter to the daily living portion—ultimately from argument to application. He now turns to the application—applying these truth into practical Christian living. As we have been hearing what God says, we now are challenged in what to do about what God says.


Galatians 5:7-12 – “Living in Liberty, not Legalism” Part 2 – Outline (pdf) – Paul addresses the influence that the false teachers have had on the Galatian churches. We emphasize our need to know and rest in the truth of God’s Word in order to help us not be swayed by ungodly influences.


Galatians 5:13-14 – “Living in Liberty, not License” Part 1 – Outline (pdf) – Paul addresses the improper uses of Christian liberty in the form of license and contrasts it with the proper use of liberty being limited by love.


Galatians 5:13-15 – “Living in Liberty, not License” Part 2 – Outline (pdf) – Paul addresses the improper uses and abuses of Christian liberty in the form of license and contrasts it with the proper use of liberty being limited by love.


Galatians 5:16-21 – “Walking in the Spirit, not the Flesh” – Outline (pdf) – Paul addresses the great conflict raging within the Christian’s life between our flesh and the Spirit by giving the command to “walk in the Spirit” so that we will “not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”


Galatians 5:22-23 – “The Fruit of the Spirit—Walking with LOVE” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the Biblical meaning of love; Christ’s message of love; and how we are to manifest this love.


Galatians 5:22-23 – “The Fruit of the Spirit—Walking with JOY” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the Biblical meaning of joy; Christ’s message of joy; and how we are to manifest this joy.


Galatians 5:22-23 – “The Fruit of the Spirit—Walking with PEACE” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the Biblical meaning of peace. The goal is to see Christ’s life and message of peace and in turn more faithfully reflect His kind of peace in our lives.


Galatians 5:22-23 – “The Fruit of the Spirit—Walking with PATIENCE” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the Biblical meaning of longsuffering / patience. The goal is to see Christ’s life and message of patience and in turn more faithfully reflect His kind of patience in our lives. We see how Christ has displayed amazing patience with us in bringing us to salvation. As we consider Christ, and submit to the Spirit’s control we will effectively evidence this aspect of the fruit of the Spirit toward others.


Galatians 5:22-23 – “The Fruit of the Spirit—Walking with GENTLENESS” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the Biblical meaning of gentleness. In Romans 12:10, Paul says, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.” The question that we ask is “How can I ‘prefer honor for others?’—How can I live in such a way as to seek what is best in other’s lives?”


Galatians 5:22-23 – “The Fruit of the Spirit—Walking with GOODNESS” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the Biblical meaning of goodness. As we consider the goodness of God, we see it displayed through our Lord’s great sacrifice for our greatest good and God’s glory.


Galatians 5:22-23 – “The Fruit of the Spirit—Walking with FAITHFULNESS” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the Biblical meaning of faithfulness. As we consider God’s faithfulness we see more and more that He is trustworthy.  As we are called to live a life that reflects our great God, we must live a life of faithfulness.


Galatians 5:22-23 – “The Fruit of the Spirit—Walking with MEEKNESS” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the Biblical meaning of meekness by looking at Christ’s display of meekness.  As we are called to live a life that reflects our great God, we must live a life of meekness.


Galatians 5:22-23 – Galatians 5:22-23 – “The Fruit of the Spirit—Walking with SELF-CONTROL” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider the Biblical meaning of temperance by looking at Christ’s display of self-control. Thinking Biblically, “self-control” for the Christian means that one’s entire being comes under the control of the Spirit of God. It is the restraining of one’s sinful flesh through the power of God’s Spirit. Thus “self-control” can be simply defined as “Spirit control.” (“A Spirit-Filled Walk” Series)


Galatians 5:24-26 – “Fruitful, Spirit-Filled Living” – Outline (pdf) – We have just concluded looking at the “Fruit of the Spirit,” now it is important to consider how we can be faithful in being fruitful. Paul calls for us to remember our position then calls us to take action by “Walking in the Spirit.” (“A Spirit-Filled Walk” Series)


Galatians 6:1-10 – “Serving Others, not Self” Part 1 – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 6 Paul gives us some very practical ways to evidence the “fruit of the Spirit” as we “walk in the Spirit.” Our love for God should be displayed in how we love one another.  As we “walk in the Spirit” we will be walking in love using our Christian liberty as a means to serve one another, not for selfish purposes but for God and His glory.  (“A Spirit-Filled Walk” Series)


Galatians 6:1-10 – “Serving Others, not Self” Part 2 – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 6 Paul gives us some very practical ways to evidence the “fruit of the Spirit” as we “walk in the Spirit.” Paul uses the “Sowing and Reaping” principle to help us see the foolishness of sowing to the flesh as we will reap corruption. Instead let us seek to sow to the Spirit and reap the “fruit of the Spirit.” (“A Spirit-Filled Walk” Series)


Galatians 6:11-18 – “Seeking God’s Glory, not Man’s Praise” – Outline (pdf) – Here in chapter 6 Paul concludes his message to the Galatian churches by drawing their attention to the most important motive of pursuing God’s glory. He contrasts the Judaizers pursuit of man’s praise and their own glory to the glory of the cross of Christ. (“A Spirit-Filled Walk” Series)

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