
The “Disciple’s Prayer,” commonly known as the “Lord’s Prayer” is probably the most frequently recited and most familiar prayer. Yet when we say it, do we really know what these words mean? This message series is designed to help us pray this prayer with purpose and with power. Keep in mind that Biblical prayer is submission to the will of God by being obedient to the Word of God while being led by the Spirit of God. Let us learn to pray with purpose and with power as we pray the prayer that Jesus modeled for us in Matthew 6:9-13.

Below you will find our Sunday morning message series, “Our Walk in Prayer,” along with the pdf outlines.  Play a message to begin listening, then select the corresponding outline.  The outline will open in a new window. May the Lord richly bless you as you listen to and meditate upon His truth proclaimed.

(#1) – Matthew 6:5-8 – “Our Walk in Prayer” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we begin a mini-series called “Our walk in Prayer” as we consider the “Lord’s Prayer.” Here we look at Christ’s preliminary remarks regarding prayer.

(#2) – Matthew 6:9 – “Our Walk in Prayer” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a mini-series called “Our walk in Prayer” as we consider the “Lord’s Prayer.” We consider the phrase, “Hallowed be Thy name” by seeking to acknowledge God’s SUPREMACY.

(#3) – Matthew 6:10 – “Our Walk in Prayer” (Part 3) – Outline  (pdf) – In this message, we continue a mini-series called “Our walk in Prayer” as we consider the “Lord’s Prayer.” We consider the phrase, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done” by seeking to acknowledge God’s SOVEREIGNTY.

(#4) – Matthew 6:11 – “Our Walk in Prayer” (Part 4) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a mini-series called “Our walk in Prayer” as we consider the “Lord’s Prayer.” We consider the phrase, “Give us this day our daily bread” by seeking to acknowledge God’s SUFFICIENCY.

(#5) – Matthew 6:12 – “Our Walk in Prayer” (Part 5a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a mini-series called “Our walk in Prayer” as we consider the “Lord’s Prayer.” We consider the phrase, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” by seeking to acknowledge God as SAVIOR from sin.

(#6) – Matthew 6:12 – “Our Walk in Prayer” (Part 5b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a mini-series called “Our walk in Prayer” as we consider the “Lord’s Prayer.” We consider part 2 of the phrase, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” by seeking to acknowledge God as SAVIOR from sin.

(#7) – Matthew 6:13 – “Our Walk in Prayer” (Part 6a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a mini-series called “Our walk in Prayer” as we consider the “Lord’s Prayer.” We consider the phrase, “And lead us not into temptation” by seeking to acknowledge God as our STRENGTH against temptation.

(#8) – Matthew 6:13 – “Our Walk in Prayer” (Part 6b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a mini-series called “Our walk in Prayer” as we consider the “Lord’s Prayer.” We consider the phrase, “but deliver us from evil” by seeking to acknowledge God as our STRENGTH against temptation. (Forward in Faith)

(#9) – Matthew 6:5-15 – “Our Walk in Prayer” (Part 7) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we conclude a mini-series called “Our walk in Prayer” as we consider the “Lord’s Prayer.” We review the entire series, closing with the doxology, “for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.