Our Walk in Fruitfulness

During Christ’s last evening with His disciples before He died, He spent this time preparing His disciples for His death and ultimately their life without His physical presence here on earth. The parable of the “Vine and Branches” gives us a powerful picture, illustrating the purging process in the life of a believer in order produce a life of fruitfulness. It is the abiding life that leads to the abounding life.

Below you will find our Sunday morning message series, “Our Walk in Fruitfulness,” along with the pdf outlines.  Play a message to begin listening, then select the corresponding outline.  The outline will open in a new window. May the Lord richly bless you as you listen to and meditate upon His truth proclaimed.

(#1) – John 15:1-3 – “Our Walk in Fruitfulness” – (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we begin a series called “Our walk in Fruitfulness” as we consider the parable of the Vine and Branches. In these three verses we see the Husbandman’s actions toward the Vine and branches. In this we see His providence in the trials of life.

(#2) – John 15:2 – “Our Walk in Fruitfulness” – (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a series called “Our walk in Fruitfulness” as we consider the parable of the Vine and Branches. From verse 2 we see the pain of the purging process. Pastor John illustrates this painful process as he shares his testimony of his recent and current health trial.

(#3) – John 15:4-6 – “Our Walk in Fruitfulness—Principle” – (Part 3) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a series called “Our walk in Fruitfulness” as we consider the parable of the Vine and Branches. From verses 4-6 we see the principle of abiding, as our response to the purging process.

(#4) – John 15:7-8 – “Our Walk in Fruitfulness—Prayer” – (Part 4) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a series called “Our walk in Fruitfulness” as we consider the parable of the Vine and Branches. From verses 7-8 we see the prayer of fruitfulness. From these verses, Jesus gives the conditions for answered prayer.

(#5a) – John 15:9a – “Our Walk in Fruitfulness—Pathway of Love” – (Part 5a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a series called “Our walk in Fruitfulness” as we consider the Pathway of Abounding. From verse 9 we see the wonder of Christ’s love.

(#5b) – John 15:9-11 – “Our Walk in Fruitfulness”—Pathway of Love – (Part 5b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a series called “Our walk in Fruitfulness” as we consider the Pathway of Abounding. Here in verses 9-11 we see Christ’s love displayed in obedience.

(#6a) – John 15:12-13 – “Our Walk in Fruitfulness”—Pathway of Longing – (Part 6a) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a series called “Our walk in Fruitfulness” as we consider the Pathway of Abounding. Here in verses 12-13 we see Christ’s longing for each of us to follow His pattern of sacrifice, displaying His kind of love.

(#6b) – John 15:14-17 – “Our Walk in Fruitfulness”—Pathway of Longing – (Part 6b) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue a series called “Our walk in Fruitfulness” as we consider the Pathway of Abounding. Here in verses 14-17 we see Christ’s longing for each of us to follow His pattern of sacrifice, displaying His kind of love.