
PIBC - StewardshipThe Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 4:2, “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” Each of us as God’s children have been entrusted with gifts of great value. We are called to be faithful stewards who both represent God as well as answer to Him. The goal of this series is to challenge each of us to faithfully steward the those gifts that God has given each of us.

Below you will find our Sunday morning message series on “Stewardship,” along with the corresponding pdf outlines.  Play a message to begin listening, then select the corresponding outline.  The outline will open in a new window. May the Lord richly bless you as you listen to and meditate upon His truth proclaimed.

(#1) Isaiah 6 – “Stewarding Your View of God” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we begin our series on stewardship. We begin by considering our view of God and how we are to rightly steward this wonderful gift. Isaiah’s vision of God in chapter 6 and his right response of worship give us a wonderful example to follow. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#2) James 2:14-26 – “Stewarding Your Faith in God” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider our faith in God and how we are stewarding it. We look to examine our faith, comparing it with the dead faith and demonic faith found in James 2. We are challenged to steward an active, living faith before God and His people. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#3) Psalm 19:1 – “Stewarding Your Awe” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we begin to consider our awe and how we are stewarding it. We consider how each of us are hardwired for awe yet often the awe we have towards God’s creation fails to find its resting place being in awe of our Creator. With our misplaced awe we justify disobedience, self-serving worship, and cowardice in the face of impossible situations in life. Our goal is to steward our awe in a God-honoring way. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#4) Psalm 145:1-10 – “Stewarding Your Awe” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we continue considering our awe and how we are stewarding it. In Psalm 145 we see David’s overflow of awe of God as he gives five reasons why God is worth praising. This message looks at the first two reasons being God’s greatness and His goodness. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#5) Psalm 145:11-21 – “Stewarding Your Awe” (Part 3) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we continue considering our awe and how we are stewarding it. In Psalm 145 we see David’s overflow of awe of God as he gives five reasons why God is worth praising. This message looks at the last three reasons being God’s government, His generosity and His graciousness. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#6) Psalm 19:7-14 – “Stewarding God’s Word” – Outline(pdf) – In this message we consider how we are to steward God’s Word. We look at Psalm 19 and first by understanding the worth of God’s Word in order for each of us to rightly respond in worship. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#7) Genesis 37-50 “Stewarding Your Influence” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider how we are to steward our influence. God has placed each one of us in a sphere of influence. Your sphere of influence includes the people that God has intentionally allowed to be in a position to be influenced by you. Today we will consider Joseph and his life of influence. Joseph was faithful through each test of life that was set before him. No matter where God placed him, he faithfully stewarded his influence by passing each test. Failing these tests of life will hurt and often destroy our influence. Being faithful in these test of life will lengthen the reach of our influence. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#8) Matthew 5:13-16 – “Stewarding Your Vote” – Outline (pdf) – As citizens of this nation each of us have the privilege to vote. We have a voice where we can speak to the direction of this country by simply casting a vote. This is a sphere of influence that we have and should consider how God would have us take action with this stewardship. With this great privilege comes a great responsibility. In this message we look to God’s Word to guide us in any election as we consider casting a vote. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#9) Romans 12:2 – “Stewarding Your Thoughts” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider our thoughts and how we should faithfully steward them. Romans 12:2 says that we are “transformed by the renewing of [our] minds.” In this part one we look our thoughts that lead to defeat as well as the transformation of thought that we are called to.  (“Stewardship” Series)

(#10) Romans 12:2 – “Stewarding Your Thoughts” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we continue considering our thoughts and how we should faithfully steward them. Romans 12:2 says that we are “transformed by the renewing of [our] minds.” In this part two we look at the renovation process of our thoughts that lead to victory.  (“Stewardship” Series)

(#11) 2 Corinthians 10:5 “Stewarding Your Thoughts” (Part 3) – Outline (pdf) – In this message we continue considering our thoughts and how we should faithfully steward them. In this part three we look at the renovation process of our thoughts that lead to victory. 2 Corinthians 10:5 speaks about the destruction process before we can begin the construction process of Philippians 4:6-9.  (“Stewardship” Series)

(#12) John 15:1-11 “Stewarding Your Trials” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this first message stewarding your trials we consider the wrong question that we ask and the right questions we should ask. We look at the “why” question and see the error of it. Then we consider the right question, asking, “who”? The goal is to look beyond the storm and see the God who controls the storm—the God who is purposeful in every trial He allows us to go through. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#13) John 15:1-11 “Stewarding Your Trials” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this second message on stewarding your trials we consider the right questions we should ask. We look at the “what” questions. The goal is to look beyond the storm and see the God who controls the storm—the God who desires to use our trials to draw us closer to Him and in turn prepare us to serve Him. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#14) 2 Corinthians 12:9 – “Stewarding God’s Grace” – Outline (pdf) – In this message we consider our stewardship of God’s grace. God’s grace is His divine enablement to help us through life—especially life’s trials. It is important to see that one’s humility is the key to the enjoyment of God’s grace. (“Stewardship” Series)


(#15) Matthew 1:18-25 – “Stewarding God’s Merciful Gift” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we consider our stewardship of God’s merciful GIFT. During this time of gift-giving it is important to consider the greatest Gift that was ever given. From Matthew 1:21 we see the reason for this Gift—“for He shall save His people from their sins.” To begin to understand the magnitude of this Gift we need to see as John Newton stated, “I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.” (“Stewardship” Series)

(#16) Luke 1:26-38 – “Stewarding God’s Miraculous Gift” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we consider our stewardship of God’s miraculous GIFT. During this time of gift-giving it is important to consider the greatest Gift that was ever given. From Luke 1:26-38 we see the miraculous nature of this Gift. We also see the humble mindset of the vessel God chose to use as a faithful steward of this most precious Gift. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#17) Philippians 2:5-11 – “Stewarding God’s Magnified Gift” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we consider our stewardship of God’s magnified GIFT. From Philippians 2:5-11 we see Christ’s supreme humiliation as He stepped down from glory, putting on flesh to dwell among His creation. As a steward, let us follow His supreme example and bow in humility, confessing Him as Lord as we yield our lives in dependence to Him, humbling our will to His perfect will. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#18) Isaiah 9:6 “Stewarding God’s Majestic Gift” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we consider our stewardship of God’s majestic GIFT. In Luke 2:1-21 we see the heavenly announcement about the birth of the King of kings. We then see the response of the humble shepherds as they pursued Christ; they praised Christ; and then they proclaimed Christ. As stewards of this majestic Gift we are called to daily bow in humble worship to the King of kings. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#19) Luke 2:41-51 “Stewarding God’s Missing Gift” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we consider our stewardship of God’s missing GIFT. In Luke 2:41-51 we see the account of a time when Jesus when missing. Consider your stewardship of Christ in this New Year. At times, we can become so busy with life that He becomes the “missing Gift.” Christ becomes this “missing Gift” when lose sight of Him in our daily lives and in turn live in such a way that He is not on full display in our lives. Our challenge is to commit to pursuing a year of faithful stewardship of this greatest Gift. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#20) Ephesians 5:15-17 – “Stewarding Your Time” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we consider our stewardship of our time. We have three options for how we use our time: we can waste it, spend it, or invest it by wise stewardship. In Ephesians 5:15 we look at this investment of time by considering how to walk in wisdom by stewarding life’s principles. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#21)  Ephesians 5:15-17 – “Stewarding Your Time” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue to consider our stewardship of our time. In Ephesians 5:16 we look at this investment of time as a limited privilege. We consider its limitationsprivilege, and temptation. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#22) Ephesians 5:17 – “Stewarding God’s Will” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue to consider our stewardship of our time, then begin our look into our stewardship of God’s will. We are challenged to steward the Lord’s purposes as we seek to “understand what the will of the Lord is.” Understanding God’s will begins by our obedience to His revealed will. When we are irresponsible with God’s Word, we will be irresponsible with God’s will. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#23) Ephesians 5:17 – “Stewarding God’s Will” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue to consider our stewardship of God’s will. We are challenged to steward the Lord’s purposes as we seek to “understand what the will of the Lord is.” Understanding God’s will begins by our obedience to His revealed will. When we are irresponsible with God’s Word, we will be irresponsible with God’s will. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#24) Romans 12:1 – “Stewarding God’s Mercy” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we begin considering our stewardship of God’s mercy. The perspective we maintain as we go through this life is of utmost importance. Attitude leads to action. Right thinking leads to right living. In order to live right we must think right. In order to live Godly we must think Godly. Our success in our pursuit of holiness is dependent upon a mind renewed with God’s truth as we remember His mercy toward us. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#25) Romans 12:1-2 – “Stewarding God’s Mercy” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we continue considering our stewardship of God’s mercy which is displayed in our perspective. From Romans 12:1-2 we are challenged maintain a right perspective by remembering our pardon and our pursuit along with resisting the pull of the world. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#26) Ephesians 3:14-21 – “Stewarding God’s Love” – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we consider our stewardship of God’s love which is displayed in our perspective. From Ephesians 3:14-21 we see Paul’s prayer for the process of the believer to be able to faithfully bring praise to God. Bringing glory to God is the result of faithful stewardship of God’s love. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#27) Psalm 37 – “Stewarding God’s Leading” (Part 1) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we consider our stewardship of God’s leading. From Psalm 37 we look to understand how we can be faithful in our walk of faith in light of the perceived unrestrained injustice in this world by first addressing the “put off” commands followed by the promises with which we are to “renew” our minds. (“Stewardship” Series)

(#28) Psalm 37 – “Stewarding God’s Leading” (Part 2) – Outline (pdf) – In this message, we consider part 2 of our stewardship of God’s leading. From Psalm 37 we look to understand how we can be faithful in our walk of faith in light of the perceived unrestrained injustice in this world by finally addressing the “put on” commands. (“Stewardship” Series)