

“Why me?” The question often asked, when confronted with a trial.
But is this the right one to be asked when facing the upward mile?

Embrace the trial,” God says to me, “and fight not My design.
My way seems hard, the road unsure when questioning the line.”

“My fight is not with you, my God, but why my path so hard?
My Lord, is this the best for me, Your frail and weary child?”

Embrace the trial,” my Lord responds, “Surrender to My way.
Truly it’s for your best, you’ll see, My blessings’ on its way.”

“But Lord, this path is quite unclear and only if I knew,
The length of time to see it through I’d surrender all to You!”

Embrace the trial, my dear child, I want what’s best for you.
I love you more than you can know just trust Me, this is true!”

“But why, O Lord, is this so hard for me to yield to You?
If only but a glimpse of view to bear this burden through.”

And then with loving, gentle voice, the pain He cuts right through,
“My Son will come alive in you when yieldings’ what you do.”

“Look up and see your Savior’s face, and gaze upon My Word,
In time, you’ll be the change I see, committed to your Lord.”

“Look up and see My eyes of grace, I look from up above,
Fear not, My child, the pain you feel is sent because I love.”

“Rejoice! My mercy never fails, enduring to the end,
My grace you’ll find sufficient in humility you bend.”

“The best is not the question ‘Why?’ but better yet, just ‘Who?’
For when you see Me, Who I am, you will surrender too.”

“So, embrace the trial, My dear child, My best is what you’ll see
Beyond the suffering you feel, My Son they soon shall see.”

Read the story behind this poem here as well as other lessons on Embracing the Trial here.

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