
Christ’s Walk of Love

Nearly 2,000 years ago Jesus met with His disciples in the Upper Room. He ate with them, communed and fellowshipped with them, and served them. He loved them in such a selfless way that it simply is hard to take in. He ministered to their aching souls as they were overwhelmed with the thought of what they were about to lose.

When I consider His actions and words during this time, I find it helpful to consider the context. His selfless love transcends my understanding. Jesus fully knew what He would endure over the course of the next few hours, yet His heart was set to take each obedient step moving closer to cross. Each step was one of submission, love and sacrifice as He walked in the shadow of the cross. This shadow loomed, oppressing His every step, yet each step was filled with love—love for His Father and love for every soul, whose sins He would carry to the cross. Every soul who would betray Him, deny Him, reject Him, beat and mock Him.

His message to His disciples that night was one of selfless love as He sought to prepare them for what would come that night and, in the days, and years to come. His message is still one of selfless love preparing us for this life of faith. His prayer in John 17 further displays His amazing love as He prays for His disciples, but He also prays for those who would believe.

Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word.”—John 17:20

One of the steps that Jesus took was to pray for me the night before He died! This is true for anyone who has placed their faith and trust in Him alone for their salvation as well as anyone else who will do the same. This is hard for me to comprehend. At a time when He was about to endure the greatest agony any human has ever endured, He was thinking about others—He was thinking about those whom He would save.

Again, the oppressive, looming shadow of the cross was casting its darkness upon every step He took. Christ knew full well what was wrapped up in this sacrifice. He knew the extent of the physical suffering—the agonizing pain He would endure by bearing all of mankind’s sin upon Himself on that cruel cross. He knew, to the fullest degree, the excruciating emotional suffering of being forsaken by all those He loved as well as the social suffering of being mocked and scorned by the very people who would facilitate His death. Keep in mind that, He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.”[1]

But most of all He knew the spiritual suffering that awaited Him as His eternal fellowship with His Father would be severed for a time. You can hear it in His words upon the cross, as He cries out, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is to say, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?[2]  The fellowship and communion that He had enjoy from eternity past would now be broken because of sin that would be placed upon Him.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”—Isaiah 53:6

For He hath made Him to be sin for us, Who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.”—2 Corinthians 5:21

This is such an amazing reality! Meditate upon the fact that God the Father would love His sinful creation enough to send us His greatest Gift—the Son—in order to meet our greatest need—our sin deabt.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son [Jesus], that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”—John 3:16

Continue that thought and consider the fact that God the Son would love us to the degree that He was willing to take our sin upon Himself—to become sin for us, dying a shameful death upon our cross, as our Substitute. He did this so that we could enjoy His righteousness and life eternal in a loving relationship with our Creator. He was sent to be the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world[3] and He became the sacrificed Lamb of God providing life eternal for those who believe.

The One who never sinned became sin for us so that we could be made righteous in Him. The awe and wonder of this Gift of God is that through the death of Christ, He was seen by God just as we are so that we could be seen by God just as He is. This is a truth that floods my soul with unspeakable joy and peace that surpasses my understanding. Jesus Christ walked this path for me! He was crucified for me! He was forsaken by the Father for me! The amazing truth is that Jesus endured this death and separation from the Father so that I would never have to experience the same. This is love beyond degree.

Take a walk with me from the Upper Room to the Tomb. This is a journey through the pages of Scripture as we follow Christ on His walk of love. On this path you will see the tragedy of your sin and His triumphant selflessness on your behalf as your Substitute.

We begin in the Upper Room, watching as He selflessly serves His disciples by washing their feet[4]. Listen to Him as He teaches them to love others[5] as He prepares them for the trials before them. Walk with Him on His way to Gethsemane and hear His call to abide in Him as a branch abides in the vine[6]. Listen to His prayer to His Father[7] and see His heart of love for those who were with Him[8] as well as those who would believe in Him[9]. Spend time with Him in the garden watching Him in agony as He submits His will to the Father[10]. Listen to an approaching mob and see the glow of lanterns against the darkened night[11]. See the great “I Am”[12] betrayed with a kiss from a “friend”[13] for a meager 30 pieces of silver[14]. Instead of standing with Him, like you said you would, you run in fear.

Gaining courage once again you follow the mob as they take Him to be tried and condemned. Stand with Peter in fearful denial that you even know Jesus[15]. See the false witnesses brought against Him[16], the repeated physical assaults upon Him[17], the mocking and scorn deriding Him[18]. See a guilty criminal released while an innocent man is condemned[19]. Stand by as they mercilessly flog Him in preparation for crucifixion[20], yet you do nothing but watch being paralyzed with fear.

Follow Him as a cross is placed upon His back[21], a cross not His own but deserving of the one following His every step on this walk of love. As He stumbles under this burden you are forced to help. See before you, Mount Calvary, the place of a skull[22]. See Him as they nail Him to your cross. Listen to the last words of this dying man. Hear Him ask forgiveness for those before Him[23]. Hear His heart of compassion for His mother’s provision in His absence[24]. See the mocking and scorn continue by those around Him[25] and those crucified with Him[26] yet hear Him offer salvation to the repentant thief beside Him[27]. Hear His triumphant words, It is finished![28] as He dismisses His life from His ravaged body[29]. Walk with Joseph and Nicodemus as they take His body and prepare it for burial and place Him in a borrowed tomb[30].

You begin to walk away, but where will you go? You notice your blood-stained hands, realizing that although you helped carry the cross, it was your cross that He bore for you. Your blood-stained hands remind you of your culpability in His death[31]. With this reality you drop to your knees trembling at the thought of all the pain and suffering your sin brought upon Jesus.

This journey from the Upper Room to the Tomb has left you emotionally and physically exhausted with all hope gone. As you take a few moments to regain the strength to walk again, the words that Jesus spoke flood your mind but you can’t seem to make sense of any of them. In despair you slowly find your way home.

The time slowly inches by with sleepless nights. Yet as Sunday morning dawns you find the courage to make your way back to the tomb. Looking for the dead among the dead you find the tomb opened and empty[32]. Looking around you see something strange and then you hear the voice of this angel ask, Why seek ye the living among the dead?[33] He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.[34]

With those words you turn in disbelief only to see a Man who calls you by name[35], your eyes are opened and now you finally see and believe. Your despair and disbelief fade replaced by unspeakable joy that floods your soul. He truly is alive, just as He had said!

This walk of love, as you followed Jesus, brings sorrow and joy. You witnessed your sinful actions against your Savior yet with each step He took you see that they were filled with love—love for you! You saw His submission and sacrifice, taking your sin to your cross and paying the death you owed. Now you stand before the One that now lives again who conquered your sin and death. With a loving embrace your sorrow turns to joy, knowing the forgiveness of sin through faith in the shed blood of your Savior. Your sorrow brings you to the cross but with joy you leave the tomb. The cross is not the end! An empty tomb is just the beginning. A risen Savior calls you to action. Spread the Good News, He has conquered sin and death! He is risen, just as He said He would!

Question: Where does the reality of Christ’s walk of love bring you? What thoughts begin to flood your soul? As you consider the magnitude of Christ’s suffering for your sin, does it awaken a sorrow for that sin? My desire is not to condemn you or shame you but to encourage you to see the price that Jesus paid for your sin. From there, see all that He was willing to go through because of the magnitude of His love. See what He was willing to give up for you and me. See how much He values your soul.

For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.”—1 Peter 3:18

Once we begin to sorrow over our sin, in seeing what it did to Jesus, don’t stop there. Let it move you to unspeakable joy in seeing what Jesus accomplished for you, knowing the transcendent peace of a right relationship with Christ. He died to set you free! His sacrifice is a gift of eternal life.

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”—Romans 6:23

Just like any gift, it does you no good until you receive it and open it. The same is true with God’s Gift.

But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.”—John 1:12

God’s greatest Gift—Jesus Christ and His perfect sacrifice—is received by placing your trust in Him alone for your salvation. Acknowledge your sin and that His sacrifice paid your sin-debt in full.

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”—Romans 10:13

If you currently are not trusting in Jesus alone for your salvation, would you consider doing this today. Consider Christ’s walk of love for you and embrace His love, knowing He died for you so that you could enjoy eternal life in a relationship with your Creator. Call upon Him to save you by trusting in His perfect sacrifice for you. Then walk with Jesus in newness of life!

For those of you who claim Jesus as your Savior, rejoice! for He is risen just as He said He would. Share this Good News of what Jesus has done for you. Live a life of worship that honors Him and brings Him glory. Isn’t He worthy of this?

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped Him that liveth for ever and ever.”—Revelation 5:12 & 14b

[1] John 1:11
[2] Matthew 27:46
[3] John 1:29
[4] John 13:1-15
[5] John 13:34-35; John 15:12-13, 17
[6] John 15:1-11
[7] John 17
[8] John 17:9
[9] John 17:20
[10] Matthew 26:42
[11] John 18:2-3
[12] John 18:4-7
[13] Luke 22:48
[14] Matthew 26:15
[15] John 18:15-18, 25-27
[16] Matthew 26:59-61
[17] Matthew 26:67-68
[18] Matthew 27:28-29
[19] Luke 23:18-19
[20] Matthew 27:26-31
[21] Matthew 27:32
[22] John 19:16-17
[23] Luke 23:34
[24] John 19:25-27
[25] Matthew 27:39-43
[26] Matthew 27:44
[27] Luke 23:40-43
[28] John 19:30
[29] Luke 23:46
[30] John 19:38-42
[31] Isaiah 53:6; 2 Corinthians 5:21
[32] Matthew 28:1-3
[33] Luke 24:5
[34] Matthew 28:6
[35] John 20:14-16

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